The Peerless TV Dynamic Duos of All Time
Peanut butter and jelly. Popcorn and movies. Pineapple and pizza. There are just some things in life where you can’t imagine one without the other and the same goes for TV. When you think about your favorite TV shows, it’s impossible not to think of your favorite TV duos. No matter what the genre, you’ll come to realize that it takes two to tango.
From romantic couples and crimefighting partners to comedy duos and best friends forever, two always seems to be the magic number. With so many role models and examples from over the years, we had to make our own list of the greatest TV duos of all time! Take a look to see if your favorite duo made the cut!
Mulder and Scully, “The X-Files”
Our TV duos list would not be complete without our favorite partners in crime, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Their chemistry, humor, and endurance to last for 11 whole seasons earns them the spot for the most compelling female-male duo to make it on the small screen. Their (mainly) platonic friendship began when Scully was sent to discredit Mulder’s belief in the existence of aliens and the paranormal, but she grew to trust him, and only him.

Throughout the series, Scully’s cynicism and colder vibes balance Mulder’s fervor and heat, making them the perfect archetype for all TV duos. And let’s not forget actors Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny’s chemistry and irresistible sex appeal on and off the screen. X-Files creator Chris Carter, could not have written or cast a better pair.
Lucy and Ethel, “I love Lucy”
Since 1951, Lucy and Ethel have been friendship goals for women everywhere. They scheme, come up with business ideas, and somehow always find themselves in a bit of trouble. But most importantly, Lucy and Ethel are always there for each other. Even though Ethel was Lucy’s landlady, the women never let that get in their way of true friendship.

Lucy and Ethel’s friendship was actually the first time female leads became the focus of a TV sitcom. In one of I Love Lucy’s most iconic episodes, “Job Switching,” Lucy and Ethel start working as assembly line workers at a chocolate factory but hilariously fail at keeping the line moving. But true to their friendship, the ladies help each other out, while still remembering to have some fun and laugh at the situation.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, “Saturday Night Live”
From Saturday Night Live and Mean Girls, to hosting the Golden Globes Awards for three straight years, it’s safe to say that these leading ladies have cemented their spot on our list of TV’s most dynamic duos. The pair met at a class at the ImprovOlympic Theater in Chicago, but it wasn’t until Tina asked Amy to join the SNL cast that they started working together.

These women end up dominating the show with their hilarious take on the “Weekend Update,” on point Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin impersonations, and the best commercial parody SNL has made to date: “Mom Jeans.” Tina and Amy really have done it all, proving that they really are the most powerful duo in TV history.